UPerform Agile Coaching & Consulting
Agile Coaching & Consulting is the leading provider of Scrum and Agile coaching and organization transformational consulting services in Greater China, South-East Asia and North America since 2007, founded by one early Scrum pioneer, Bill Li (CST/MBA), in Shanghai, being the first Scrum Alliance REP and first member of Agile Alliance in Greater China.
Supported by well-recognized Agile Coaches and mentors including Bill Li (CST/MBA), Vernon Stinebaker (CST/ICF-PCC/CTC) and Jacky Shen (CST/CTC/CPCP), all our core team members are with extensive real-world experiences and very importantly, great coaching leadership and organizational insights into challenging agility transformation and innovative product development context.
(Visit our website in Chinese, 访问优普丰敏捷学院中文站:www.UPerform.CN )
We provide Certified Scrum (CSM, CSPO, CSD, CAL etc.) in Chinese & English delivery in either public class or private onsite format, with full-range of extended learning programs including Lean-Startup, Design Thinking, LeSS, Kanban, Innovation, Agile Coaching, and Agile Boot-Camp.
For our current Certified Scrum public class schedule in English, please visit: https://certification.scrumalliance.org/organizations/3-8-uperform/courses/upcoming
For class listing in Chinese display: http://www.UPerform.CN

List of Services
- Agile Coaching / Assessing / Consulting for Organizational Agile Transformation
- 1-on-1 Coaching for Certified Scrum Professional (CSP / UCAC)
- Certified Advanced Certified ScrumMaster / Advance Agile Coach (A-CSM, CSP-SM, A-CSPO, CSP-PO)
- Certified ScrumMaster(CSM)
- Certified Product Owner(CSPO)
- Certified Scrum Developer with XP practices(CSD)
- Agile Foundation for Senior Management
- Certified Agile Leadership (CAL)
- Lean Kanban
- Large Scale Scrum (LeSS/CLB/CLP) and other scaling agile methods
- Management 3.0 Certified
- Continuous Integration / CI / CD / DevOps
( Find more courses via <www.UPerform.CN> )
Contact Us at
Email: Service@scrumchina.com
Tel: +86-21-63809913
China Office: Naked Hub, 7/F, Building No.1, Hongqiao Hub, 818 Shenchang Road, Shanghai (200335)
Canada Office: 15-6233 Katsura Street, Richmond, BC, Canada, V6Y4K1
“Think Different”
Our Passion: to promote Scrum and contribute in building great Agility in VUCA era with positive social and economic impact
Our Mission: to help clients and individuals develop Agile mindset and competence with hyper-performance, in order to produce the best possible outcome
Our Service: Coaching, and Transformational Consulting
Our Core Values: Openness, Courage, Focus, Joy, and Simplicity
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UPerform-优普丰是中国地区首家国际Scrum Alliance联盟REP(合作伙伴)及Agile Alliance联盟企业会员,中国敏捷运动的核心推动团队。创立于2007年,并将Scrum创始人Ken Schwaber的扛鼎之作《Scrum敏捷项目管理》一书翻译引进中国。目前是华语地区拥有Scrum联盟认证体系导师级Scrum认证者CST/CTC最多的机构,也是目前亚洲地区唯一获得2017新版CSP成长路径及A-CSM认证的机构,团队翻译和撰写了10多本著作。
2008年在上海参与召集了首次敏捷社区聚会,带头吹响了中国敏捷推广的集结号。十年来,得到国际多位敏捷大师的支持和眷顾,包括Ken Schwaber、Mike Cohn、Lyssa Adkins、Michael Spayd、Ken Rubin、Jurgen Appelo、Pete Deemer、Peter Borsella 、Vernon Stinebaker,、Chris Sims等,发展出大量原创敏捷内容,包括理论哲学、领导力培养、现场实践、工具方法等。
全球经济已经进入VUCA(Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous)时代,充满变化和不确定性,以AlphaGo为代表的人工智能等技术正在加速改变这个世界。响应快速变化的唯一方法就是拥抱敏捷思想,帮助组织通过领导力变革和数字化转型,加速反馈闭环速度,从而破解复杂性和不确定性,建立起低成本响应变化的能力,以达致更好的效果,方可立于不败之地。
Scrum不可思议地将”协作与快乐”与”商业目标”结合在一起!最初Scrum是为了管理与开发复杂产品而发展出来的。从90年代早期开始,Scrum已经在全球范围内得到广泛应用,涉及多团队规模化进行市场研究、举办活动、交互功能网络、自动驾驶汽车、云服务和软硬件产品开发、学校、政府运作、市场、管理组织的运行、组织变革设计以及个人的日常生活中。Scrum 框架基于试验性过程控制理论,借鉴了精益思想、时间盒、模块化设计等,并完整地体现了敏捷宣言和敏捷原则。Scrum 采用一种迭代、增量式的方法来优化对未来的预测和管理风险,关注“最短时间内交付最大客户价值”,建立组织响应变化的敏捷能力,从而达致更好的效果。Scrum框架包括3个角色、3个工件、5个事件、5个价值观。在这个框架中,整个过程由若干个短的迭代周期(时间盒)组成,称为Sprint,每个Sprint的长度须小于4周,目的是将风险和变动成本控制在一个月内,同时增强可预测性。使用产品待办列表来管理产品和服务的需求,它是一个按照价值排序的待办列表。每个迭代中,开发团队从产品待办列表中按照产品负责人给出的排序挑选工作。挑选的需求在Sprint计划会议上经过讨论、分析和估算得到相应的Sprint目标和交付计划,我们称它为Sprint Backlog。团队每天自组织召开每日Scrum站会。在每个Sprint结束时,Scrum团队将邀请利益干系人/客户参加评审潜在可交付的产品增量并予以即时反馈,然后进行回顾会议以检视和调整协作沟通等工作方式。更多阅读Scrum Guide…